Greater House Ministries in Conyers, Georgia, led by the anointed Bishop Glenford Lotty, hosted a transformative gathering that set the stage for a powerful prophetic message. With the theme “Declaration of War,” Bishop Lotty called for a spiritual resurgence and a renewed focus on reclaiming what has been lost.
From the outset, the atmosphere was electrified with worship and praise. Bishop Lotty’s fiery sermon emphasized that stepping into the fullness of Yahweh’s promises requires boldness and spiritual warfare. Drawing from Isaiah 45, he highlighted how Yahweh anointed Cyrus, a pagan king, to fulfill divine purposes. This story was a powerful reminder that Yahweh can use anyone willing to step into His plans.
A Time for Renewal Bishop Lotty’s words resonated deeply as he recounted his own journey of faith, from his youth to his present role as a spiritual leader. He urged attendees to embrace a “conqueror’s anointing” and reclaim their spiritual, emotional, and financial blessings. “It’s a declaration of war,” he proclaimed, challenging believers to rise up and take back what the enemy has stolen.
Igniting the Church The bishop emphasized that the Church must evolve to meet the challenges of today’s world. “We need more than what we had before,” he said, addressing the unique battles faced by this generation. He called for a revival of spiritual gifts and the manifestation of Yahweh’s power in the Church, urging believers to move beyond emotionalism and seek true transformation.
A Prophetic Release As the service progressed, Bishop Lotty spoke prophetically about financial breakthroughs and the release of wealth for Kingdom purposes. He encouraged attendees to believe for “money miracles,” affirming that financial stability allows ministries to expand their reach and impact.
A Call to Action The altar call was a pivotal moment, with attendees stepping forward for healing, deliverance, and renewal. Bishop Lotty’s fervent prayers and prophetic declarations stirred faith and expectancy. He reminded everyone that true change begins with trusting Yahweh and taking bold steps forward.
Join the Movement Greater House Ministries continues to be a beacon of hope and transformation under Bishop Lotty’s leadership. His message of spiritual warfare and revival is a powerful reminder that Yahweh is ready to move when His people are prepared to act.
Experience the anointing and power of Greater House Ministries for yourself. Stay connected through their online platforms, and be part of the declaration of war against spiritual complacency.
#DeclarationOfWar #PropheticMinistry #GreaterHouseMinistries #SpiritualRevival #FaithInAction #ConyersGA #Deliverance #BishopGlenfordLotty #KingdomPurpose