The Gift of Hope

As the Christmas season approaches, we want to remind you of the true meaning of this joyous time—a celebration of Yahweh’s greatest gift to humanity. Through his inspiring message, Bishop Lotty invites believers to reflect on the profound hope and love that the birth of Yahshua brings into our lives.

A Season of Gratitude and Reflection “Christmas is more than a day on the calendar.” “It’s a season to reflect on God’s unending grace and mercy.” Remember to appreciate the blessings of family, faith, and community, even amidst life’s challenges.

“2024 has been a year of trials and triumphs, but God has been faithful. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Savior, let us enter this season with hearts full of gratitude and joy.”

The Light in the Darkness Drawing from Isaiah 9:6—”For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given”—”No matter what circumstances surround us, the arrival of the Messiah reminds us that hope is never lost his light shines in every corner of our lives, illuminating our path forward.”

As you gather with loved ones, share meals, sing songs of praise, and, most importantly, let God’s love be the centerpiece of your celebrations. This season is a time for unity and togetherness, reminding us that we are all part of God’s family.”

Greater House Ministries invites everyone to celebrate Christmas with services filled with worship, reflection, and the joy of God’s promises. Let this Christmas be a time to rekindle your faith and embrace the hope that Jesus’s birth brings to all.

#ChristmasMessage #TheGiftOfHope #YahshuaIsBorn #GreaterHouseMinistries #BishopGlenfordLotty #FaithAndJoy #SeasonOfGiving